Friday, November 6, 2009

Cleaning The Fan Of Samsung R20

I had been trying for months on this, wanted to clean the fan as it became louder. After having had so many unsuccessful attempts and scratched the casing :P, finally I've just done it ;). I don't know whether you can find this guidance on internet 'cause, I too, did google in the past without any "satisfaying" result. Not like other laptop brands, disassembling Samsung is quite complicated, as example for its fan, there's no "direct" compartment cover on the bottom that hides it (the fan). 2 easiest ways to solve this are, of course, sending yours to Samsung with your complain as long as you have the valid guarantee and are able to waive the laptop for couple weeks, or to a technician, "outputting" some money. But why do we have to if we can do it by ourselves IMHO.

That's a pity that I didn't make any single pic from my attempt which lasted over 6 hours and was (well :blushing:) done a short while ago, but I do really hope that you can understand these explanations below and later be able to implement on yours.

--- Explanations to follow, it's late now and my bed is calling me :P ---


I found this link lately, therewith my further explanations aren't needed :D.